This page presents detailed model outputs associated with the following article:

Estimating the impact of school closures on the COVID-19 dynamics in 74 countries: a modelling analysis.
Romain Ragonnet, Angus E Hughes, David S Shipman, Michael T Meehan, Alec S Henderson, Guillaume Briffoteaux, Nouredine Melab, Daniel Tuyttens, Emma S McBryde, James M Trauer.

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Selected country: Lebanon

Selected analysis: Base case analysis

Relative outcomes

N infections averted % infections averted % hospital peak reduction N deaths averted % deaths averted
2.5% -1854298 -17.2 -47.3 -2152 -18.4
25.0% -384155 -4.0 3.0 -29 -0.2
50.0% 132462 1.4 33.1 1359 10.6
75.0% 806496 7.3 60.0 3814 22.6
97.5% 2411377 20.3 83.8 11287 44.6